For Businesses Who Want to Stay Ahead!

It is common knowledge nowadays, that social media continue to escalate at a rapid speed, taking over the marketplace and shaping us as to how we should market ourselves in the industries that relate to us. Large corporations have the resources and budget to keep up and stay ahead of the game but, those who are less fortunate, struggle along in the web of technology that baffles the majority at the best of times!

Whether you are an artist, designer, crafter, blacksmith, cabinet maker, potter or other kind of artisan, we all are having to eventually face the ‘elephant-in-the-room’! 

The need to tap into cyberspace and join the millions already there, continues to pull us, even though some of us would rather run and hide.  It’s a minefield …. It’s daunting …. It’s expensive and …. it’s time consuming!

You  now, no longer need to despair!

Implement, Organise & Manage

OneToOneVA is a virtual service specifically to cater for your needs. Whether to assist you with your various administration tasks or design your website or even develop and operate your social media demands, OneToOneVA can handle it all for you and, more to the point, all reachable within a budget to your liking!

In addition to having the necessary skills needed to assist you with your projects and tasks, OneToOneVA is also passionate about achieving your goals and thrilled to be part of your journey by serving you as best as my abilities are able.

What People Are Saying About Me!

Jillie has done an amazing job setting up and maintaining my website. She has a knack for knowing what you want and taking it to the next level. I love that I can message her with something I need to be done and I don't have to even think about it again. I know it's going to get done. Jillie doesn't do anything half measured she is going to do the job and do it well. She is not only my virtual assistant but my sounding board. I can bounce ideas off of her and she gets the way creatives brains work so she can organize my rambling ideas and help me to see the big picture. If you are stressed out trying to manage your website and social media by yourself, reach out to Jillie and let her take the stress off of you. You will not regret it! You will wonder what took you so long to hire a virtual assistant. Thank you, Jillie, for all that you do for me!!

Nicky Avery Lane Creations Crochet
Avery Lane Creations
Mississippi, USA

I cannot say enough about Jillie's work and dedication to detail! She went above and beyond to make sure that I was absolutely satisfied with her work on my website. Her work ethic is truly authentic and the caring manner in which she communicates is genuine to say the least. It's amazing the relief that comes with having a caring, competent VA to handle the technical side of business. If you are looking for a VA, Jillie is your person.

Leann O'Banion Vercher
Louisana, USA

I've known and worked with Jillie for 25+ years. She sets herself the highest of standards - and meets them. Every project is personal to her - her clients really matter. Great to see your new page and website, Jillie. Very best wishes. x

Debbie Probert Integrated Office Solutions Ltd UK
Debbie Probert
Sayalonga, Spain
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